Major Power Outage Events

This page lists out some of the Major events that this site has captured, and gives brief stats on how the events effected the power grid. Recovery Dates shows how long it took to repair 99% of all affected customers.
For detailed historical data email [email protected] with your request.

2022 December winter storm

Event: 2022/12/23 - 2022/12/25
Recovery: 2022/12/23 - 2022/12/27

Max Outage Count 1.6 M

Total Customers Affected: Over 6.35 M

Estimated People Affected: Over 13.33 M

State Customers Affected
North Carolina 940 Thousand
Tennessee 710 Thousand
Maine 380 Thousand
Pennsylvania 360 Thousand
GA, VA, TX, NY, OH, NH, SC 200 to 300 Thousand
AL, KY, CT, MD, MA, VT, WA, NJ 100 to 200 Thousand

Outage Summary Link

Hurricane Ian

Event: 2022/09/28 - 2022/10/01
Recovery: 2022/10/29 - 2022/10/06

Max Outage Count 2.78 M

Total Customers Affected: Over 4.45 M

Estimated People Affected: Over 9.62 M

State Customers Affected
Florida 3.28 Million
North Carolina 579 Thousand
South Carolina 378 Thousand
Virginia 211 Thousand

Outage Summary Link

Hurricane Fiona - Puerto Rico

Event: 2022/09/18 - 2022/09/19
Recovery: 2022/09/19 - 2022/10/05

Max Outage Count 2.78 M

Total Customers Affected: 1.4 M

Total People Affected: Over 3.2 M

Puerto Rico Summary Link

Hurricane Fiona - Bermuda

Event: 2022/09/23
Recovery: 2022/09/23 - 2022/09/25

Max Outage Count 31 K

Total Customers Affected: Over 31 K

Total People Affected: Over 54 K

Bermuda Summary Link

Hurricane Fiona - Canada

Event: 2022/09/23 - 2022/09/24
Recovery: 2022/09/24 - 2022/10/03

Max Outage Count 564 K

Total Customers Affected: Over 607 K

Total People Affected: Over 1.4 M

Canada Summary Link

2021 Febuary Winter Storms

Event: Texas Outage Event

Max Outage Count 4.4 M

Total Customers Affected: >5,600,000

Estimated People Affected: >11,760,000

Outage Summary Link

2020 Derecho Event

Event: 2020/08/10 - 2020/08/11
Recovery: 2020/08/11 - 2020/08/17

Max Outage Count 1.4 M

Total Customers Affected: >1,900,000

Estimated People Affected: >4,120,000

State Customers Affected
Illinois 759 Thousand
Iowa 585 Thousand
Indiana 283 Thousand
Other 345 Thousand

Outage Summary Link

Hurricane Isaias

Event: 2020/08/03 - 2020/08/05
Recovery: 2020/08/05 - 2020/08/10

Max Outage Count 3.8 M

Total Customers Affected >6,400,000

Estimated People Affected >13,870,000

State Customers Affected
New Jersey 1.65 Million
New York 1.19 Million
Connecticut 861 Thousand
Pennsylvania 577 Thousand

Outage Summary Link

April 2020 Major Storm

Event: 2020/04/12 - 2019/04/14
Recovery: 2019/04/14 - 2019/04/17

Max Outage Count 1.44 M

Total Customers Affected >4,300,000

Estimated People Affected >9,310,000

State Customers Affected
North Carolina 399 Thousand
South Carolina 391 Thousand
Texas 353 Thousand
Alabama 243 Thousand

Outage Summary Link

California 2019 PSPS

Event: 2019/10/23 - 2019/10/27
Recovery: 2019/10/28 - 2019/10/30

Max Outage Count 1.1 M

Total Customers Affected >1,600,000

Estimated People Affected >3,460,000

New England Storm

Event: 2019/10/16 - 2019/10/17
Recovery: 2019/10/17 - 2019/10/20

Max Outage Count 613 K

Total Customers Affected >1,250,000

Estimated People Affected >2,667,000

State Customers Affected
Massachusetts 322 Thousand
Maine 274 Thousand
Pennsylvania 154 Thousand
New York 128 Thousand

Outage Summary Link

Thunderstorm Event

Event: 2019/07/19 - 2019/07/23
Recovery: 2019/07/23 - 2019/07/24

Max Outage Count 760 K

Total Customers Affected >2,750,000

Estimated People Affected >6,000,000

State Customers Affected
Michigan 686 Thousand
New Jersey 519 Thousand
Wisconsin 358 Thousand
Pennsylvania 254 Thousand

Outage Summary Link

Hurricane Michael

Event: 2018/10/10 - 2018/10/12
Recovery: 2018/10/12 - 2018/10/25

Max Outage Count 1.6 M

Total Customers Affected >3,100,000

Estimated People Affected >6,830,000

State Highest Outage Count
North Carolina 843 Thousand
Virginia 749 Thousand
Florida 672 Thousand
Georgia 512 Thousand

Outage Summary Link

Hurricane Florence

Event: 2018/09/13 - 2018/09/14
Recovery: 2018/09/14 - 2018/09/22

Max Outage Count 930 K

Total Customers Affected >1,400,000

Estimated People Affected >3,100,000

State Highest Outage Count
North Carolina 769 Thousand
South Carolina 156 Thousand

Outage Summary Link

Snow Storm Benji

Event: 2017/12/07 - 2017/12/09
Recovery: 2017/12/09 - 2017/12/11

Max Outage Count 509,136

Total Customers Affected >910,000

Estimated People Affected >1,970,000

State Highest Outage Count
Georgia 289,167
Texas 105,809
Louisiana 104,261

Outage Summary Link

Bombogenesis Storm

Event: 2017/10/29 - 2017/10/30
Recovery: 2017/10/30 - 2017/11/03

Max Outage Count 1,815,732

State Highest Outage Count
Maine 494,924
Massachusetts 318,387
New Hampshire 274,304
Connecticut 180,642
Rhode Island 149,467

Hurricane Irma

Event: 2017/09/09 - 2017/09/11
Recovery: 2017/09/11 - 2017/09/23

Max Outage Count 7,654,461

State Highest Outage Count
Florida 6,051,232
Georgia 1,329,496
South Carolina 273,733

Outage Summary Link

Hurricane Harvey

Event: 2017/08/25 - 2017/08/29
Recovery: 2017/08/29 - 2017/09/12

Max Outage Count 309,204

State Highest Outage Count
Texas 309,204

Hurricane Matthew

Event: 2016/10/07 - 2016/10/08

Max Outage Count 1,580,000

State Highest Outage Count
Florida 850,000
South Carolina 400,000
Georgia 330,000